Website Trailer

Environment Design   ·  Motion Design

Territory Studio   ·  2023

Visible    ·   Selected Frames

In my first project at Territory Studio, I played a central role in NFT real estate organisation Visible’s website trailer.

The film shines a spotlight on the often confusing and fractured house buying process, and how Visible’s unique approach aims to simplify and streamline.

Initially only providing the set dressing for the exterior scene, I was additionally trusted with shaping the entire exterior environment in Cinema 4D — including modelling, embellishing and texturing the entire virtual neighbourhood of mid-century-style ranch houses.

I collaborated closely with senior designers, ensuring the timing and composition of the animation worked well with the brisk camera movement.

Expanding House    ·   Animation Details

I designed the animation sequence of the central house opening up to reveal its interior world — sliding and reconfiguring like a Japanese puzzle box.