Now We Were Unlocked From Sleep

Personal   ·  2021

Modelling   ·   Texturing   ·   Animation   ·   Sound

Now We Were Unlocked From Sleep   ·   Growing Sideways

Now We Were Unlocked From Sleep  is an animated triptych of videos conceived during my time at the Slade. A culmination of various strands of research, I began crafting the work by scanning petals and leaves from the garden to use as textures. We see the plants pressed up against the glass like a terrarium, roots growing and exposed.

Installation View    ·   Slade School of Fine Art, Degree Show

I wanted to ask: what might it mean to grow sideways through time, like roots gently feeling their way through the soil — interacting with the decomposed remains of what has come before? What unseen moments might be unearthed if we saw this plant as an emissary to a material universe laying below our feet and beyond our perception?

Now We Were Unlocked From Sleep   ·   Day Cycle

The three videos slowly cycle from morning to dusk throughout the 10 minute duration. Roots slowly grow, grass sways softly, seeds fall from the sky and begin to sprout.

Through repeated visits, the viewer's experience changes through time - as though this miniature world, or ecosystem, is slowly ticking over by itself in the corner of the room.

Now We Were Unlocked From Sleep    ·   Print Series

Now We Were Unlocked From Sleep   ·   Sketches & Preparations

Scanned pansy petals, leaves, and grass blades as a base to prepare a custom texture atlas for the project.