Club Touché

Screens + Live Events   ·  Motion Design   ·  2D Animation

Freelance   ·  2023

Club Touché    ·   Fairground Suite

As part of their 5 year anniversary, London’s notorious queer club night Adonis took over E1 to celebrate the talent and diversity of the capital’s drag scene as Club Touché. I assisted in crafting the elaborate visuals for the night — providing a fittingly over-the-top backdrop for the performers.

Spread across 5 screens, this suite of animations featured collaged elements and low-fi recordings, all emblazoned with the Touché logo in various designs — evoking the ‘feeling of the Finsbury Park fairground mixed in with a Dalston pound shop’.

Built from the ground-up in After Effects, all screen designs were mixed and matched throughout the night.

Club Touché    ·   LED Night Suite

Another suite of screen designs took inspiration from LED shopfront signs found all over the city. 

E1 Screen Configuration    ·   Motion Mockups

Club Touché    ·   Live Event Shots